Sunday, February 23, 2014

Time Flies

When I was 10 I went to this kid's birthday party at Stomping Grounds. If you know what Stomping Grounds was, represent. If not, it was a massive indoor playground/arcade/pizza place, much like Chuck E. Cheese. I went in to the playground knowing that I had 2 hours to play. The next thing I knew, it was time to go. As a 10 year old kid, I thought to myself "so that's what they mean when they say 'time flies when you're having fun.'" I learned an important principle of life and felt kind of cool for understanding such a grown-up thing.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's, Galentine's, Ray Allentine's day

The more you know about the real St. Valentine, the more you recognize the absurdity of Valentine's day. That's why I advocate celebrating alternate holidays that rhyme with Valentine's day. That way it's not making a mockery out of a great Saint and a heroic martyr for the Christian faith. I'm an especially big fan of Ray Allentine's day and Erie canalentine's day. Let me tell you why.
come back to Boston

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Cool (hi)story, bro

I love history because it has lots of great stories, all of which are more enjoyable because they're actually true. I came across a story this week that is quite inspiring and very relevant to this blog. It also has the advantage of taking place in Elizabethan England, where "speakarse" was an insult and people said things like "a pox take thee!" This story is not about a pox though. On the contrary, it is about all of the good that beer did for a particular town in 1622.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Super lol Punday

Today's the day! It's the biggest day in American sports. It might be the biggest day in America.There are a lot of sassy comments I could make about how sports have replaced religion in this country. Instead, I would like to recount a conversation that I had with a foreigner while we were at a Red Sox game.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Many Religions: All Wrong, All Right (A guest response)

Well readers, things get better and better. We had an intriguing post last week by a colleague of mine and now we have a brilliant response. I should say this: they are not debating, they are discussing. They are two brilliant people commenting thoughtfully on a topic so that you, the reader, can have some food for thought in thinking about an important question. This is the way the world should work, it's downright civil.