Sunday, September 22, 2013

Over 5,000 served!

Lovely readers, thank you so much! Thanks to your loyal support of the Eubarist, I have just passed the milestone of 5,000 views. This is significant because there is a famous Gospel story wherein Jesus feeds over 5,000 people who have been sitting listening to his teaching. You all have pretty much only been listening to me because I have yet to figure out how to electronically distribute drinks. I'll let you know when I figure it out. On this proud day, I think it is appropriate to explore the time Jesus fed 5,000 people in a miraculous feat of catering prowess.

Actually, Jesus fed way more than 5,000 people on that famous day. According to the scriptures, "those who ate were 5,000 men, not counting women and children." Jesus usually only gets credit for feeding 5,000 when he probably fed closer to 12,000. All of these people stuffed themselves off of just 5 loaves of bread and two fish. That's like opening a raging nightclub in downtown Manhattan with a few handles of vodka and a couple six packs. You would think it would be impossible.

The disciples DEFINITELY thought it was impossible. When Jesus told them to feed everyone there with the leftovers from their lunch boxes, they were incredulous. They thought it couldn't be done. While they were hesitating and wallowing in incompetence, Jesus was like "fine, I'll do it ya chumps" and he took the bread. He lifted it to heaven and blessed it. Then he gave it back. There is no visible change in the food. The disciples are thinking, "OK now he's lost it but I guess we better play it out" and they go and serve the people.

And whaddayaknow, they have enough for everybody. Try to imagine what it would be like to see thousands of hungry people in front of you and you keep ripping off pieces of one loaf of bread for HOURS. You cannot stop giving to people. Every time you look up from the basket, the bread and fish have come back. They are there for you to give away. If you've ever served at a soup kitchen then you know how awesome it feels to serve hungry people food. Imagine working at a soup kitchen where 12,000 people come through and you still don't run out. You get to see 12,000 smiling, well-fed people.

Pretty good deal
Christians are called to this kind of service. We are called to meet needs that we don't think we can. We are called to do the impossible. Jesus is the X factor here, the secret weapon. Jesus' blessings empowers us to serve far better than we thought we could. I can imagine standing there delirious with joy as the frickin' bread just KEEPS COMING BACK. It would be overwhelming and amazing and humbling. This is the feeling of serving the Lord. We can give and give and give because we are not giving of our own power, but we are giving on behalf of God.

I have yet to experience a Jesus-blessed keg. I'll hold out for the second coming. I have, however, had the privilege of blogging about the Lord and about drinking, two of my favorite things. The response of the awesome people who read the blog have been better than I could ever have imagined. You might call it a blessing. Anytime you work to make people's lives better, Jesus is like jet fuel in your engine, supercharging your ability to care and give. Jesus will not supercharge your ability to drink though, so please still be careful.

Be especially careful with this delicious drink.

Ingredients: 1 shot brandy, blackberry soda (I got some Spindrift for free and it was great), triple sec.

Pour brandy over ice in a lowball glass. Top off with blackberry soda. Add just a tiny splash of triple sec. Stir gently.

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